
发布日期:2024-11-20 18:55来源:浏览次数:

本文摘要:Smartphone maker HTC reported a quarterly rise in turnover for the first time since 2011, as new mid-range phones and a tablet produced with Google helped slow the erosion of its market share.智能手机制造商宏达电(HTC)附上2011年以来的首次季度营业额下降,原因是新型中档手机和与谷歌(Google)合作生产的平板电脑协助减缓了其市场份额的萎缩。

Smartphone maker HTC reported a quarterly rise in turnover for the first time since 2011, as new mid-range phones and a tablet produced with Google helped slow the erosion of its market share.智能手机制造商宏达电(HTC)附上2011年以来的首次季度营业额下降,原因是新型中档手机和与谷歌(Google)合作生产的平板电脑协助减缓了其市场份额的萎缩。In preliminary results yesterday, the Taiwanese group reported revenue of NT$47.9bn ($1.5bn) in the final three months of 2014, up from NT$42.9bn a year earlier. This was ahead of forecasts, as was a modest operating profit of NT$180m, which helped it to avoid a repeat of its first annual loss in 2013.根据昨天公布的可行性结果,这家台湾集团在2014年的最后三个月构建479亿元新台币(合15亿美元)的营收,低于一年前的429亿元新台币。这一数据远超过了人们的预期,而某种程度远超过预期的还有1.8亿元新台币的少量运营利润,这协助该公司防止重演2013年经常出现的首次年度亏损。HTC was quick to launch a smartphone using Google’s Android platform after Apple’s launch of the iPhone, and became the biggest smartphone producer by volume in 2011. But that position was soon captured by Samsung .在苹果公司(Apple)发售iPhone之后,HTC用谷歌的Android平台很快发售了一款智能手机,并在2011年沦为销量仅次于的智能手机生产商。

不过,这一称号迅速就被三星(Samsung)夺去。“It’s still too early to call a recovery or turnround,” said Jeff Pu, at Yuanta Securities. He noted that sales had received a boost from November’s release of the Nexus 9 tablet, produced for Google, and that the US company is expected to turn to Asus for the next iteration.元大宝来证券(Yuanta Securities)的Jeff Pu回应:“目前称之为HTC衰退或扭亏为盈还为时尚早。”他认为,11月份HTC为谷歌生产的Nexus 9平板电脑大大提高了该公司的销售额,而谷歌这家美国企业预计不会将下一代产品的生产业务转交华硕(Asus)。Other launches included two smartphones in its mid-market Desire range, helping to ease reliance on the One line.该公司发售的其他产品还包括两款面向中端市场的Desire系列智能手机。

这两款手机协助HTC减低了对One系列产品的倚赖。HTC’s net profit was NT$470m, up from NT$310m a year before. Its shares closed down 1.4 per cent yesterday.HTC的净利润超过4.7亿元新台币,低于一年前的3.1亿元新台币。昨天,该公司股价收盘跌到1.4%。

